Screen Shots of Crossums.

Do not include mathematical operators (+ - x �) or = signs in your sum - these will be deduced by the program.

Individual numbers must be positive whole numbers up to 6 digits long, although the entire sum can be up to 15 digits.

The game ends when any of the following occur:

All players have used their time allocations

A player has used all his tiles and there are no more to draw from.

All players pass in succession

The player with the highest score wins. A game in progress may be saved to disk to be resumed (opened) later.

Games can be played with no time restrictions or within a set time limit, e.g. 15 minutes per player. In this mode each player has an individual clock which starts whenever it is their turn and stops at the end of the turn. When a player has used their alloted time, the player must retire...

Tile and Scoring Information:

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